Top tastes Hispanics craveTop tastes Hispanics crave
Virginia Dare researches the emerging American Hispanic population and its unique taste preferences and purchasing patterns.
August 1, 2013
Virginia Dare’s Marketing Department continues to monitor and chronicle the emerging American Hispanic population demographic, its distinctly unique and complex taste preferences and purchasing patterns, and the Hispanic influences on mainstream American eating patterns and foodways.
The U.S. 2010 Census and subsequent studies have provided significant new information about the country’s growing Hispanic population. Key findings include:
U.S. Hispanics now represent 16 percent of the country’s population, amounting to more than 50.5 million people (US 2010 Census)
Despite economic and legal slowdowns to immigration, Hispanics still account for the most significant segment of nation’s population growth, primarily through high birth rates. The U.S. Hispanic population is expected to grow by 34 percent between 2010 and 2020. (NPD) It is projected that by the year 2060, one in three Americans will be of Hispanic origins (WSJ)
The Hispanic population is younger than the national average 26.7 years vs. 35.9 years, and families are larger 3.6 people vs. 2.6 (2013 Healthy Beverage Expo)
Hispanic U.S. spending power was estimated at $1 Trillion in 2010, and expected to reach $1.5 trillion by 2015
Despite significant Hispanic immigration over the last 20 years, most U.S. Hispanics are now American born, 29 percent 2nd generation, 31 percent 3rd generation or longer
The South, traditionally a non-Hispanic settlement destination, now has the states with the fastest growing immigrant Hispanic populations
Although the large Hispanic communities of California, the Southwest, Texas, Florida, Illinois, and New York-New Jersey are sustaining their populations, patterns of resettlement dispersal throughout the rest of the country are noted
These demographic shifts can bring about new directions and opportunities for food and beverage manufacturers. Some of these include:
With more native born Hispanics, comes a population that can be selectively acculturated, with distinct cultural and food patterns, and more message reachable as English dominant consumers
Hispanics have high levels of social media activity and internet access, allowing for electronic and consumer communications and informational downloads
The role of men in the Hispanic community is changing with assimilation; this includes shopping and food preparation
Hispanics, like most Americans have a strong growing interest in healthy and natural foods (Progressive Grocer)
CAGR beverage sales index higher than the overall population for Tea, Spirits, Wine and Coffee (Hispanic Advantage)
Hispanics with younger and larger families have consumer product needs and opportunities for a younger population
New Agua Fresca beverages from Virginia Dare
Agua Frescas are popular Hispanic refreshment beverages, typically made with fresh fruit or fruit juices. Virginia Dare’s Beverage Laboratories have created great tasting ready-to-drink agua fresca beverages. The beverages contain 20 percent juice and natural flavors. The beverages were hedonically tested with Hispanic consumers and scored highly for taste acceptance.
Flavor Selection Includes:
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