NIS14: Mind Genomics and Addressable Minds - Compliance in the Medical SectorNIS14: Mind Genomics and Addressable Minds - Compliance in the Medical Sector

April 10, 2014

We know that people are different. We know that what appeals to one person does not appeal to another. We also know it’s hard to get into the mind of a person, to know just what will trigger that persons response to “buy” or “use” a product or service or even “comply with a doctor’s instructions. This presentation goes into the mind, showing how with simple experiments one can learn the “triggers” for a person. And, more profoundly, how in any topic are, there are groups of such triggers, viewpoints. Knowing the group (mind set) to which a person belongs helps the manufacturer create the “right product, create the best experience and send the “right message.”

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