Memory athletes love life'sDHAMemory athletes love life'sDHA

USA Memory Championship powered by life'sDHA to be held March 16 in New York City.

February 21, 2013

2 Min Read
Memory athletes love life'sDHA

life'sDHA™ is proud to announce a continued partnership as lead sponsor of the 16th annual USA Memory Championship. A tournament for mental athletes, this live contest draws competitors from all over the country to compete to be named as having the best memory in America. The event includes memorizing more than 100 names and faces, a shuffled deck of cards in less than five minutes, an unpublished poem and a list of 500 random numbers. This year's championship will be held March 16 at Con Edison's Grand Auditorium in New York City and is free to the public.

As part of the Championship, life'sDHA—an algal source of DHA omega-3, a nutrient that helps to support brain health—will showcase the four dimensions of brain health at this year's USA Memory Championship by sponsoring a keynote presentation by David Perlmutter, MD, board-certified neurologist, fellow of the American College of Nutrition and author of several books including "The Better Brain Book." Dr. Perlmutter will preview some of the tips found in his new book "Grain Brain," coming out September 2013. His presentation will educate the mental athletes and spectators on how to maintain better brain health and improve memory, including what foods make up a brain-healthy diet, how exercise and sleep impact the brain, and how mental challenges and social interactions support long-term brain health.

"Everyday memory loss such as misplacing keys, forgetting a name and losing concentration in meetings can actually be a warning sign of a distressed brain," said Dr. Perlmutter. "The good news is, we can improve memory and build a better brain through daily exercise, a low-carb diet rich in DHA omega-3, brain workouts and other simple lifestyle changes."

life'sDHA is a sustainable and vegetarian source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid. DHA is a major structural fat in the brain. Today, life'sDHA is found in many mainstream products from some of the world's best-known food, beverage and supplement brands.



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