INFRA community continues mission-based efforts nationwide

Independent Natural Food Retailers Association Board Chairwoman Cheryl Hughes shares her perspective on the beacons of light in these tumultuous times.

April 7, 2020

1 Min Read

The true mettle of a person comes through in times of crisis. We see that in our commitment to the communities we serve.

The essence of us shines through in the darkest moments. Certainly we find ourselves there now in very dark, unchartered waters.

Yet, there are beautiful beacons of light shining through everywhere. Blessings to the stores of the INFRA community who have put service over everything and are striving to be there in every way they can to take care of their staff, their stores, their communities and themselves.

Blessings to the vendors who have done the same—especially the distributor teams. We have always been there promoting wellness through health and nutrition and there is no time more important than now for us to be proud of the groundwork we did in our communities spreading that mission.

We, this small cottage industry, are powerful. We have changed the lives of so many each day and always fight the good fight for health and wellness. We fought hard for the protection of organics. We fought hard to create DHSEA and ensure consumers rights to access dietary supplements.

Here we are once again, fighting hard to serve, stay open and stay healthy. Take a moment to look around and see the fruits of your labor and celebrate all you do. We are going to get through this and look back proudly at the job we have done helping our communities. I am proud to be part of the INFRA battalion fighting the good fight on the front lines.

Blessings to all and stay safe, stay healthy and stay virtually connected as we march on.

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