EAS workshop aims to guide companies through EU claims regulationEAS workshop aims to guide companies through EU claims regulation
May 13, 2007
A problem-solving workshop to provide practical guidance on the EU claims regulation for the food industry is being set up by the European Advisory Services (EAS) next month.
Organised in response to continuing industry concerns over the regulation which becomes applicable in July, the workshop is titled ‘Practical Implications of the EU’s Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation’ and will offer detailed and practical guidance for its application, with emphasis on the implications for industry at grassroots level.
EAS is made up of specialists in European and international regulation on food and nutritional products, and assists companies with regulatory and strategic advice for the marketing and approval of their products in Europe. The workshop, which will take place on June 20 in Brussels, is running for the third time due to popular demand following two previous workshops EAS hosted last year.
EAS Director Guy Valkenborg said: “The key people within companies who have to implement these new rules, such as those in charge of marketing or product development, are looking for practical guidance. All of the developments can be complex to follow, and they are often unaware of the practical consequences of the legislation, how the authorities will implement it, and its consequences for mid and long term strategic business planning.”
At the workshop EAS experts will offer advice on aspects such as what to do to safeguard their current claims product portfolio, which procedures to follow for claims acceptance, assessing the impact of nutrient profiles and how to capitalise on the benefits of the allocated transition periods. They will also offer guidance on facing the challenges of the Article 13 claims list, advice on for making successful claims submissions, up-to-date information on the latest regulatory developments and Member States’ interpretations, and outline the potential strategic consequences of claims for business and research.
Other issues on the agenda for discussion include the impact of the claims legislation on company trademarks, publicity and marketing practices, business to business implications, comparative claims and data protection. Participants will be guided through a selection of case studies and will have the opportunity to voice their specific concerns in a question and answer session at the end of the day.
For more information on the EAS workshop or to register visit www.eas.eu. Participant numbers are limited to 25 to allow personal coaching and ensure adequate time for discussion, questions and detailed consideration of the issues.
For more information contact Estelle Marais, Communications Manager, EAS, 50 Rue de l’Association, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, tel +32 (0)2 218 14 70, fax +32 (0)2 219 73 42. Email [email protected] or visit www.eas.eu.
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