The evolving science of bone healthThe evolving science of bone health
December 7, 2010
An article appeared in the December 1st issue of The New York Times’ science section, entitled “The Miracle of Vitamin D: Sound Science, or Hype?” This article is part of an ongoing discussion on the practicality of vitamin and mineral supplementation to improve overall health, and bone health in particular. Of particular interest is “How much supplemental calcium is too little, or too much?”
Cutting edge research has evolved beyond the old standards of only calcium and vitamin D3 supplementation in support of bone health. Preclinical and clinical studies indicate that essential fatty acids (especially docosahexanoic acid -DHA), carotenoids (such as lycopene), and most significantly Vitamin K2 are all beneficial for bone health.
Natural Vitamin K2 as menaquinone MK-7 has been recently clinically demonstrated as having a fundamentally important role in calcium utilization in both bones and the cardiovascular system. Proteins involved in building a healthy bone matrix and keeping calcium from accumulating in the artery walls need Vitamin K2 to work properly. Vitamin K2 helps to build calcium deposits in the bone and inhibits blood vessel calcification. It is one of the most potent arterial calcification inhibitors known.
PLT offers patented, self-affirmed GRAS, MenaquinGold™, natural Vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7) from Synergia / NST.
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