Download here: Natural Products Expo East 2019 conference education presentation index

Bookmark this index of Natural Products Expo East 2019 conference presentations. We'll add links as the slide decks become available.

New Hope Network staff

September 24, 2019

7 Min Read
Expo Audience

Click on the images below for each session's PowerPoint deck.

Natural Products Business School


Natural Products Hemp and CBD Summit

Watch the full-day Hemp and CBD Summit recording.



Rise & Raise: Getting Real about Fundraising & Growing Your Business


NCN Investor Orientation


Expo East 2019 State of Natural and Organic Slides

The State of Natural & Organic: Leading Perspectives on a Growing Industry


Pathways to Partnership: Building Collaboration on Climate


#Winning: How to Achieve Your Marketing Goals & Authentically Connect with Consumers Online


View the What's NEXT? Expo East session video.


The Suppdate: An Overview of What's New in Supplements & Nutrition

View The Suppdate session video.


What's With All This Plastic? Opportunities to Reimagine Our Packaging Landscape


Exploring the Paradox: How to Create Products that are Sustainable, Healthy AND Convenient


Friday Keynote: Shawn Achor


Breaking Up the All-Male, All-White Board: Why We Need More Women and Diversity on Natural Product Industry Boards and How We Get There


Meeting Consumers Where They Are: How to Get Your Product to Market

View the Meeting Consumers Where They Are session video.

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