Livestream from Expo East 2019: Natural Products Hemp and CBD Summit

The Natural Products Hemp and CBD Summit was recorded Sept. 11 at Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore.

September 3, 2019

6 Min Read

There’s almost nothing that nature’s most nearly perfect plant cannot do–everything from clothes to food to tinctures is at hand for hemp.

Watch the Natural Products Hemp and CBD Summit to learn how to select quality products for your retail store shelves, educate consumers, prepare for regulators and serve as an ambassador for responsibly grown hemp. 


9:00 - 9:05 a.m.     Hemp, Two, Three, Four!

Led by CBD, hemp is on the march, having won landmark victories like the 2018 Farm Bill and the acceptance of mainstream markets from Kroger to Walgreens. Welcome to the evolution of the revolution. New Hope Network’s Ingredients and Supplements Editor, Todd Runestad, will emcee us through the day’s proceedings. 

  • Todd Runestad, Natural Products Insider / New Hope Network 

9:05 - 9:25 a.m.      We've Got It Made

What’s the size of the hemp CBD market? What new products are being developed and rolled out to an eager public? What trends are shifting the market? Nutrition Business Journal Senior Industry Analyst, Claire Morton, gives us a glimpse at the state of the union.

  • Claire Morton, Nutrition Business Journal / New Hope Network

9:25 - 9:50 a.m.      Who's Your Shopper?

CBD is for sale in a greater diversity of sales channels of any product ever sold in the history of commerce, from chiropractor’s offices and drug stores to bookstores and marijuana dispensaries. Consumer insights expert, Jessica Lukas, at BDS Analytics will help health-food store retailers understand who your consumer is and what they’re looking for in your specific sales channel. 

  • Jessica Lukas, BDS Analytics

9:50 - 10:25 a.m.      Regulators Gonna Regulate

Yes, the Farm Bill removed hemp from the list of controlled substances—buh-bye, DEA. But the Farm Bill gave authority to states, and it gave authority to the FDA to regulate hemp CBD similar to all other supplements. This panel discussion will detail the differences in state stances, what the FDA is up to, and how to market hemp CBD supplements in a responsible, compliant manner. 

  • Steve Mister, Council for Responsible Nutrition

  • Todd Runestad, Natural Products Insider / New Hope Network

  • Eric Steenstra, Vote Hemp

10:25 - 10:45 a.m.            Break

10:45 - 11:10 a.m.            Without Banking, We Are a Hobby

Brands and retailers are encountering all kinds of issues with their banks and credit card processors—none of it good. Credit card processing continues to be crazy while banking is starting to see the light of day. Learn about changes afoot to make conducting business more sane from Mark Goldfogel, CEO of and executive VP of The Fourth Corner Credit Union. 

  • Mark Goldfogel, / The Fourth Corner Credit Union

11:10am - 12:00 p.m.          When the Going Gets Weird, the Weird Turn Pro

You think hemp CBD is just a local ganjapreneur gig? John Grubb, managing partner at Summit Venture Management, will lead a deep conversation with business and thought leaders in what is truly a global growth opportunity, and one that is steeped in regulation and a deep need for consumer education. Panelists Jennifer Cooper, chief science officer at Savant Science, Melody Harwood, head of scientific and regulatory affairs at Neptune Wellness Solutions, and Joy Beckerman, regulatory officer and industry liaison for Elixinol, will reveal updates in new product development, including intellectual property filings and the use of synthetics and biosynthetics. 

  • Joy Beckerman, Elixinol / Hemp Industries Association / U.S. Hemp Authority

  • Jennifer Cooper, Savant Sciences

  • John Grubb, Summit Venture Management

  • Melody Harwood, Neptune Wellness Solutions

12:00pm -1:30 p.m.       Lunch Break

1:30 - 1:35 p.m.             Welcome Back!

  • Todd Runestad, New Hope Network / Natural Products Insider

1:35 - 1:50 p.m.             #StepUpToOrganic

The next great American commodity crop can rise up to join corn and soybeans—only without all that genetic engineering. Organic’s promise can be fulfilled if we demand hemp is all organic, all the time, right out of the gate. Tara Caton, organic researcher from The Rodale Institute, will show us the way. 

  • Tara Caton, The Rodale Institute

1:50 - 2:20 p.m.             The Case for Organic Hemp Production

How do we set the bar high with organic as the general standard from the beginning? What players, policy and industry collaboration could move us closer to the new standard for hemp production? Can hemp also be the poster child for regenerative ag? Bill Giebler, content & insights director at Nutrition Business Journal, leads a salon with Tara Caton from the Rodale Institute, Gwendolyn Wyard from the Organic Trade Association, and John Roulac from RE Botanicals.

  • Tara Caton, The Rodale Institute

  • Bill Giebler, Nutrition Business Journal / New Hope Network

  • John Roulac, RE Botanicals

  • Gwendolyn Wyard, OTA

2:20 - 2:40 p.m.       Identifying Safe & Reliable Products

Whether buying hemp ingestibles or topicals, how can consumers and retailers learn how to best identify products that are both trustworthy and efficacious? Merril Gilbert, CEO of TraceTrust, specializes in making cannabis edibles credible. 

  • Merril Gilbert, TraceTrust

2:40 - 2:50 p.m.         A New Scorecard for Choosing Quality Hemp CBD Products

  • Rebecca Spector, Center for Food Safety

2:50 - 3:00 p.m.         Break

3:00 - 3:30 p.m.         Research Update

You still don’t quite understand the endocannabinoid system. Fair enough. In this session, Jennifer Cooper, chief science officer at Savant Science, will get you up to speed on just why hemp CBD seems to work on such a wide swath of health states, including new scientific findings for general wellness. 

  • Jennifer Cooper, Savant Sciences

3:30 - 3:50 p.m.         Hemp as a Superfood

Whether you’re a retailer, nutritionist or influencer, what’s the savviest way to talk to consumers about hemp’s nutritional profile and benefits? What should retailers, buyers and health practitioners look for in superfood hemp products? What’s the consumer response to different finished products? Pioneering hemp company Manitoba Harvest will offer the wisdom gleaned from more than 20 years in the business.

  • Todd Runestad, Natural Products Insider / New Hope Network

  • Anne Thompson, Manitoba Harvest

3:50 - 4:10 p.m.         How to Label Your Products Correctly

Unlike just about any other supplement product, newcomers to the hemp CBD space are mostly not coming from legacy supplement companies. If you're feeling shaky on how a supplement label is required to look, and are unclear on compliant marketing language, veteran FDA lawyer Justin Prochnow dispenses free legal counsel on how to be a responsible, legal player.

  • Justin Prochnow, Greenberg Traurig

4:10 - 4:30 p.m.          Curating Your Hemp Product Set

Now that you know the regulatory landscape, the labeling requirements, the safety issues … what will you stock on your store shelves? Annie Rouse, co-founder of Anavii Market, will walk you through her checklist to selecting brands and product formats that she is confident are top quality every time.

  • Annie Rouse, Anavii Market

4:30 - 5:00 p.m.         It's on Your Shelf. Now What?

How do you connect with and educate consumers about your products? We’ve assembled a geographically diverse set of retailers who will talk about best practices for engaging shoppers, building community and creating lifelong customers. Natural Foods Merchandiser editor-in-chief Christine Kapperman discusses the coins of the realm with Abraham Nabors, from Mustard Seed Market and Summer Auerbach, from Rainbow Blossom Market. 

  • Andrea McGrath, Rainbow Blossom Market

  • Christine Kapperman, Natural Foods Merchandiser / New Hope Network

  • Abraham Nabors, Mustard Seed Market & Cafe

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