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How evolving consumer values are boosting the good food movementHow evolving consumer values are boosting the good food movement

The average consumer's values are changing in ways that continue to drive natural products sales–here's the lowdown.

Amanda Hartt, Researcher | Data Analyst | Strategic Thinker

March 1, 2019

1 Min Read

Changing consumer values are driving big changes in the marketplace. This is underscored in recent survey results conducted by the NEXT Data & Insights team, a division of New Hope Network, which shows that evolving consumer values continue to inspire and drive the good food movement. Consumers see buying products as an active decision involving many criteria. These days they are more likely to spend more money on products with positive social and environmental impacts, as can be seen in the example slide below.


The proof is right there in the marketplace. Based on recent research by HowGood, a sustainability data and analytics company, products positioned to align with consumer values of sustainability and transparency are showing strong sales growth. Brands that aim for positive environmental and community impacts communicate that to the consumer through product attributes such as grass-fed, direct-sourced, certified organic. But do these attributes sell? In the example category below (yogurt), you can see how products making an impact are outperforming those that aren’t.


For more information on the changing consumer's effect on the natural products marketplace, make sure to attend the Changing Consumer summit in Anaheim.

What: Connecting with the Changing Consumer summit at Expo West 2019

When: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 6

Where: Mariott Grand Ballroom F

About the Author

Amanda Hartt

Researcher | Data Analyst | Strategic Thinker

Amanda brings 10+ years of experience in research and consulting roles, working for both SPINS and New Hope Network to track and grow the natural products industry. With an MS in Food Policy, Amanda looks at the dimensionality of marketplace challenges to grow and transform food systems to build thriving communities.

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