Hemp Collective podcast episode 6: Creating a sustainable hemp industry supply to shelfHemp Collective podcast episode 6: Creating a sustainable hemp industry supply to shelf
Tune into this podcast, where New Hope Network and Natural Products Insider dig into the most relevant topics related to hemp and CBD in order to cultivate a responsible industry, from seed to shelf.
July 1, 2020
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Hemp Collective · Creating a sustainable hemp industry supply to shelf
A sustainable hemp industry requires commitments to farms, farmers, seed stock and long-term thinking. Join us for our duel interview podcast where we speak with Nutiva's Chris Amsler about operating through core sustainability values and EcoGen's Doug Watson about the importance of committed partnerships with farmers.
During this episode, we explore:
How regenerative farming practices, naturally enhancing soil and maintaining balance, can create stability and scale the hemp industry.
Understand the importance of long-term commitments to farmers and how to work as partners for long-term crop and soil health.
Overcoming farm financing challenges.
Why seed genetics make or break successful crop and constituent yields.
What it takes to create consistent ingredients at scale.
Chris Amsler, Senior Vice President of International and Club Sales, Nutiva
Doug Watson, Head of Sales, EcoGen Laboratories
Become a hemp industry expert. Tune in today and stay tuned monthly!
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