Other names for sugarOther names for sugar
April 20, 2009
According to the USDA, Americans eat more than 100 pounds of sugar -- that's per person -- every year. What you may not know is that a lot of it comes from processed foods that have sugar added to easily and cheaply make it more palatable. That includes sugar added to things like spaghetti sauce, salad dressings, yogurt, bread, and frozen foods. So if you want to lose weight and cut down on sugar's dubious effects on your body, read the label, and avoid foods that have sugar listed as one of the top three ingredients or with sugar aliases mentioned throughout the list. Dietitian and author Elizabeth Somer provides this helpful list of other names for sugar (there are even more names for sugar, but this is a start):
brown sugar
corn sweetener
corn syrup
crystalline fructose
fruit juice concentrates
high-fructose corn syrup
invert sugar
malt syrup
raw sugar
rice syrup
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