Orrin Hatch publishes rebuttle to Roger Clemens "supplements" claim in Washington PostOrrin Hatch publishes rebuttle to Roger Clemens "supplements" claim in Washington Post
February 13, 2008
A longstanding advocate for the dietary supplement industry, Utah Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, published a response to the Roger Clemens steroid scandal and the general argument "Supplements Made Me Do It" that so many professional athletes utilize when caught using dangerous & illegal steroids.
He eloquently writes, "As a child, I couldn't get away with rule-breaking by saying, "The devil made me do it!" Yet this is essentially what some Major League Baseball players say when accused of steroid use: "The supplements made me do it.""
This Washington Post article is very well written and worth a close read. This is surely not the last we will hear of steroid usage in professional and Olympic sports this year, but we can only hope that the monotonous blaming of supplements for positive steroid tests will grow as old in consumers ears as it does in ours.
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