Feather Jones named chair of AHPA Small Business CommitteeFeather Jones named chair of AHPA Small Business Committee
Registered clinical herbalist and owner of Sedona Tea Blends will take over for Daniel Gagnon of Herbs, Etc.
January 11, 2013
The board of trustees of the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) has approved the appointment of Feather Jones, owner and president of Sedona Tea Blends in Sedona, Ariz., as chair of AHPA's Small Business Committee.
Jones, a registered clinical herbalist and an adjunct professor of botanical medicine at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, will take over for Daniel Gagnon of Herbs, Etc., who stepped down in November.
Sedona Tea Blends is an organic herbal tea company that blends botanicals, flower essences, and sacred site essences.
"AHPA congratulates Feather on being selected to chair this important committee," said AHPA President Michael McGuffin. "We are certain that her leadership and expertise will be a valuable asset that will benefit all AHPA members."
At its most recent meeting, the AHPA board formally expressed its appreciation for Gagnon's many years of service to the committee.
As chair, Jones hopes to provide support to small businesses that supply ethical and quality herbal products in the industry.
"I hope to carry on the mission and projects already started by the committee and bring them to fruition for both small and growing businesses," said Jones. "I look forward to sharing innovative, practical, and visionary ideas to help these member companies be successful."
The Small Business Committee is chartered to help smaller AHPA member companies define their needs and have more articulate representation within the association. Membership in the committee is restricted to companies with total gross annual sales of $5 million or less.
The committee's responsibilities include monitoring and providing input on issues involving external organizations, including the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission, as well as issues surrounding internal association governance and those addressed in other AHPA committees that may affect such members.
For more information on the Small Business Committee, visit the AHPA website.
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