Enzyme Supplements: New Frontier of Healthcare?Enzyme Supplements: New Frontier of Healthcare?
January 10, 2007
PARKVILLE, Missouri - Researcher Rod Rohrich, MD, FACS, and Chairman of the Department of Plastic Surgery at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, told WebMD he was surprised by the results of a study conducted on InflammEnz – an enzyme-based nutritional supplement from Enzymes, Inc.
A biopsy was taken from twenty-six patients and the effect of InflammEnz was compared to a placebo. Those taking InflammEnz healed nearly 20% faster, and experienced less redness and swelling, than those taking the placebo (access the study abstract here).
"That really is dramatic, and frankly, I didn't expect it," Rohrich told WebMD. "If you can translate this kind of faster healing after a facelift or a breast augmentation, you are talking about a cost savings in the recovery process and getting back to work sooner that could amount to billions [of dollars]."
In addition to helping treat inflammation and accelerate the healing process, enzyme supplements show great promise addressing gastrointestinal complaints. While InflammEnz, and other enzyme supplements used systemically (taken on an empty stomach), digestive enzyme supplements are taken with meals and assist the body in breaking down food and assimilating the nutrients.
A study conducted by National Enzyme Company in conjunction with TNO Nutrition and Food Research determined: “Fungal digestive enzymes improve the digestibility and bioaccessibility of proteins and carbohydrates in the lumen of the small intestine, not only under impaired digestive conditions, but also in healthy human digestion.” In addition, this study dissolves the myth that enzyme supplements cannot survive the acidity of the stomach, and dispels the assumption an enteric coating is necessary (view the study here).
Enzymes, Inc. will be exhibiting during the complementary and natural healthcare CAMEXPO East Friday, February 9th and 10th at the New York Marriott Marquis (1535 Broadway, New York, NY 10036). Representatives will be on hand in booth # 307 with product samples and literature. For more information visit www.enzymesinc.com and call 800.637.7893.
About Enzymes, Inc
Enzymes, Inc. (Parkville, Missouri) has been formulating, marketing, and distributing digestive and systemic, vegetarian, enzyme-based nutritional supplements used clinically for over two decades. The NESS, BioSET, and Advanced Formula lines are of the highest quality and efficacy on the market today.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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