Ad-fail: Have we reached “peak bro”?Ad-fail: Have we reached “peak bro”?

Rick Polito, Editor-in-chief, Nutrition Business Journal

April 14, 2015

New Hope logo in a gray background | New Hope

Don't bro there.

Sometimes you can only know how badly you’ve botched it when you see somebody else get it right. When you see it done right and you still botch it, well, maybe something in the shoveling arts would be a good career choice.

That’s what the folks in the marketing department at Oscar Mayer might be considering this month as “The Bro History of the United States” lands on YouTube with a ripple and a cringe. The concept might have had potential. What if our country’s founders had ripped abs? What if George Washington was totally jacked?

But the better question might be “What if the Oscar Mayer crew had seen Organic Valley’s “Save the Bros” video?” In two minutes, Organic Valley hilariously ridiculed the tats-and-triceps gym culture that brought us chest waxing and The Rock. In their two minutes, Oscar Mayer had us wondering who we should feel sorry for—the person getting fired for it, or ourselves for having seen it.

The product is P3, a sealed plastic tri-tub of meat, cheese and nuts. The front of the package tells us the meat is from Oscar Mayer, the cheese is from Kraft, and the nuts are from Planter’s. P3, by the way, stands for portable protein pack. However questionable the nutrition, we needn’t worry that anybody excited about the Oscar Mayer, Kraft and Planter’s logos got distracted on their way to the produce section.

The ham-fisted comedy may be more troubling. We see the Oscar Mayer bro asking about membership perks at the signing of the Declaration of Independence and distracting the British with a “flying crab kick” at the Battle of Yorktown. We know it’s a flying crab kick because those words appear on the screen. In case you didn’t notice, that made it way funnier!

Are you laughing yet? Because that was the high point. The rest of the campaign, which includes a “kite-athalon with Benjamin Franklin” makes “Bro History” look like Chris Rock on a good night.

Eventually, we learn that “America wasn’t built by bros, or bro proteins. It was built by American heroes who ate meat, cheese and nuts.”

If you’ve watched it, and you’re done groaning, you might actually see this as an encouraging moment. A big-money CPG just got schooled by an organic farmer-owned cooperative. Organic Valley nailed it. Oscar Mayer tripped over its own gout-swollen feet. “Save the Bros” had viral legs. “Bro History” is something you’d be embarrassed to admit you watched, much less share. As we wrote when the Organic Valley spot hit YouTube, it’s nice to see natural and organic finding a seat at the cool kid’s table. We wouldn’t love to be an Oscar Mayer wiener right now.

We wouldn’t want to be working in their marketing department either.

About the Author

Rick Polito

Editor-in-chief, Nutrition Business Journal

As Nutrition Business Journal's editor-in-chief, Rick Polito writes about the trends, deals and developments in the natural nutrition industry, looking for the little companies coming up and the big money coming in. An award-winning journalist, Polito knows that facts and figures never give the complete context and that the story of this industry has always been about people.

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