80K meals donated through KeHE Cares partnership

The KeHE Cares Foundation, in partnership with New Hope Network, plans to deliver 80,000 meals to families experiencing food scarcity due to the pandemic in a first-of-its-kind virtual serving event.

December 4, 2020

2 Min Read

KeHE Cares, in partnership with New Hope Network, is delivering hope to children in need. This first-of-its-kind virtual Serving Goodness Event will help deliver 80,000 meals to families experiencing food scarcity due to the pandemic. 

"We understand the impacts the pandemic has on our communities and as part of KeHE's core mission, we aim to serve to make lives better," stated Randy Shaw, director of KeHE Cares Outreach. "While we were not able to donate in the same way we have in the past, through in-person packing events, KeHE felt compelled to continue the serving tradition with the help of our generous suppliers." 

Nine KeHE suppliers donated product and the KeHE Cares Foundation made a monetary donation towards the creations of the FoodPaks. These donations will be packed and distributed by Children's Hunger Fund to American families hit especially hard by COVID-19 in the Los Angeles, California, and San Antonio, Texas, communities. Each food package delivered will provide 48 meals. 

Participating KeHE suppliers include:

  *   Cadia
  *   Hubert's Lemonade
  *   LaCroix
  *   Primal Kitchen
  *   RedVines
  *   R.W. Knudsen
  *   Sahale Snacks
  *   Vegan Rob's
  *   Zico Coconut Water

KeHE's virtual Serving Goodness Event is part of KeHE's involvement in New Hope Network's Spark Change, an initiative powered by Natural Products Expo to inspire the natural products industry around innovation for good. 

"As we thought about our involvement in Spark Change, we saw a renewed opportunity to come together as a force for good, virtually," said Ari Goldsmith, vice president of marketing, KeHE. "Many charitable organizations rely on leftover product from tradeshows and events. Because shows have gone virtual this year, the need for donated product is especially great. KeHE is honored to help fill that need and deliver hope to those struggling during the pandemic." 

To learn more about KeHE Cares and how to join the fight against hunger, visit KeHECares.org/SparkChange.

Source: KeHE

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