5@5: What you should know about the new U.S. Dietary Guidelines5@5: What you should know about the new U.S. Dietary Guidelines
Each day at 5 p.m. we collect the five top natural news headlines of the day, making it easy for you to catch up on today's most important natural products industry news.
January 7, 2016
Americans should eat less sugar but not be as concerned as previously thought about dietary cholesterol, according to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines released today. But the new guidelines are just as notable for what they didn't include--like the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's recommendations about sustainability and eating less meat. Here are five reads to bring you up-to-date.
Dietary guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020
Find the Department of Health and Human Service and Department of Agriculture's full document (or the executive summary) here.
New dietary guidelines urge less sugar for all and less protein for boys and men
A summary of what is and isn't in the new guidelines, and some context around the major issues surrounding them, from The New York Times.
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines, at long last
In her blog Food Politics, nutrition professor and expert Marion Nestle highlights the politics of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines. "These Dietary Guidelines, like all previous versions, recommend foods when they suggest 'eat more.' But they switch to nutrients whenever they suggest 'eat less,'" she writes. "Saturated fat is a euphemism for meat. Added sugars is a euphemism for sodas and other sugar-sweetened beverages. Sodium is a euphemism for processed foods and junk foods."
Here's what 10 experts think of the government's new diet advice
Time taps physicians, professors and trade group and association leaders for their thoughts.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Evolution over time
The Center for Science in the Public Interest provides a visual look at how the guidelines have evolved from 1980 to 2015.
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