5@5: US produces more waste, recycles less than other countries | Judge slashes Roundup jury verdict

Each day at 5 p.m. we collect the five top food and supplement headlines of the day, making it easy for you to catch up on today's most important natural products industry news.

July 3, 2019

2 Min Read

US produces far more waste and recycles far less of it than other developed countries

A new analysis from global risk consulting firm Verisk Maplecroft has found that the US produces 12% of global municipal solid waste, while representing a mere 4% of the population. The firm’s senior environmental analyst stated that “There’s too much focus on recycling being the kind of silver bullet solution, which it is not,” and that there needs to be more a global shift to becoming zero-material-footprint. Read more at The Guardian …

US judge to slash $80 million Roundup jury verdict

On Tuesday a U.S. judge decided to reduce an $80 million damage award against Bayer AG to $50 million or less. As a general rule, U.S. Supreme Court rulings will “limit the ratio of punitive to compensatory damages to 9 to 1." Read more at Reuters …

EPA: Factory farms don’t need to report emissions

A new rule from the Environmental Protection Agency has eliminated one of the few tools communities near CAFOs can use to obtain information about toxic airborne substances. The Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) has thus far require all factory-like facilities to report emissions of hazardous substances to local officials, but as of June 4 this act has been amended to exempt factory farms. Read more at Civil Eats …

A Süprmarkt for the people challenges ‘food apartheid’ in South Los Angeles

Süprmarkt, an organic grocery pop-up founded in 2016, provides affordable organic produce to communities in South L.A. via stands and a subscription-based, CSA-style produce delivery service. Founder Olympia Auset started the service as a response to the high volume of health problems in the area, which were linked in a 2008 study to the ratio of local fast-food and convenience stores to grocery stores and produce vendors. Read more at The L.A. Times …

Are picky eaters born or made?

New research argues that so-called “supertasters” are no more likely to be picky eaters than nontasters are. While genes do have an influence on personal food preferences, memory associations and one’s culture and exposure to certain foods also play a huge role in what foods will seem appealing to a given person." Read more at Medium …

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