5@5: UK shoppers collect $40,000 for plastic bottles | Chipotle unveils keto, paleo, Whole30 options

Each day at 5 p.m. we collect the five top food and supplement headlines of the day, making it easy for you to catch up on today's most important natural products industry news.

January 3, 2019

2 Min Read
5@5: UK shoppers collect $40,000 for plastic bottles | Chipotle unveils keto, paleo, Whole30 options

Plastic bottle deposit scheme in UK proving hit with shoppers

UK-based supermarket chain Iceland introduced its “reverse vending machines,” where consumers can deposit plastic bottles for cash, at five of its locations last year. The venture has been an enormous success, with 311,500 plastic bottles having been recycled by consumers so far. According to Iceland’s data, shoppers have received nearly $40,000 from this deposit return scheme, and more UK retailers are now carrying out trials with the machine. Read more at The Guardian …



In the midst of January’s influx of weight loss and health resolutions, Chipotle has unveiled new menu items to appease consumers with strict dietary guidelines. The new line of “Lifestyle Bowls” includes the Whole30 Salad Bowl, the Paleo Salad Bowl, the Keto Salad Bowl and the Double Protein Bowl. Read more at Business Insider 


Wellness brands are trying to convince Americans to eat chickpeas for dessert

Hummus milkshakes, dark chocolate dessert hummus and “good for you” chickpea cookie dough are all products of the divisive sweet chickpea trend that has snuck its way across the nation. Although the idea isn’t necessarily new in countries such as India and the Philippines, the humble chickpea is only now rising to the occasion as a base for desserts stateside. Chickpea milk is also a far more environmentally friendly choice than popular alternatives such as almond and oat milk. Read more at Munchies …


Florida’s answer to invasive lionfish? If you can’t beat ‘em, eat ‘em

The predatory lionfish population currently ravaging South Florida’s natural marine life may have met its match in locally held REEF derbies. This year’s derby alone harvested 1,192 lionfish, and these numbers help keep this invasive species from destroying the ecosystem. Participants who retrieve the most amount of fish win $1,000, and the derby also holds an adjacent culinary competition for lionfish-based cuisine.  Read more at Civil Eats  ...


Brick-and-mortar retail as we know it isn’t dying—it’s transforming. Online ordering, niche specialty stores and shortened delivery times are all services that many nationwide chains are implementing to up their game in 2019. Others, such as Sears, are sinking into bankruptcy. Read this article for the latest on the bold plans and upcoming struggles in this year’s retail sphere. Read more at Tampa Bay Times  

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