5@5: PepsiCo buys large stake in Chinese natural food company | Trump administration 'overpaying' farmers for trade losses

Each day at 5 p.m. we collect the five top food and supplement headlines of the day, making it easy for you to catch up on today's most important natural products industry news.

July 26, 2019

2 Min Read

PepsiCo buys stake in one of China's biggest natural food companies

PepsiCo announced today that it will buy 26% of one of China’s largest natural food producers—Natural Food International—a move that makes it the company’s second largest shareholder. Natural Food International’s health-focused products are created according to “traditional Chinese dietetic culture” and largely consist of grains, nuts and beans. Read more at CNN …

Economists say Trump administration is overpaying farmers for trade losses

Many American companies have lost sales amid the “current cycle of tariff raising and retaliation” between China and the Trump administration—but farmers are being “overcompensated” according to agricultural economists. The agency’s decision to pay farmers in excess comes directly after USDA proposed new rules for the SNAP program that would remove benefits from 3 million people. Read more at NPR …

These plant-based food companies are rebranding to target meat eaters—and it’s working

In an effort to appeal to “conscious omnivores,” plant-based food companies are taking a new approach in terms of their marketing strategies. This includes removing typical vegan branding in favor of simplicity and straightforwardness—and getting rid of the “no’s” that are plastered on many a natural food product in order to emphasize that the consumer isn’t necessarily making a sacrifice. Read more at Fast Company …

Meatless meat is having a moment. Will eggless eggs be next?

The perfect plant-based substitute for the versatile egg is far from here, but emerging plant-based alternatives offer consumers a way to scramble, bake and beat egg-like products without the ethical and health implications. The movement mirrors the trajectory of companies such as Beyond Meat and feeds into consumers’ growing desire for animal product alternatives. Read more at Vox …

The Dutch are subverting nature again—with floating dairy farms

A floating dairy farm is part of a Dutch experiment to “rethink how cities are supplied with dairy products while promoting a sustainable food cycle.” The Floating Farm Model, as it is called, could provide a solution for a future where food will need to be produced to meet an increasing global demand using the same amount of land. Read more at Quartz …

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