NBJ 2010 Healthy Foods ReportNBJ 2010 Healthy Foods Report
September 21, 2010
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The healthy foods market in the United States kept pace withoverall food industry growth in 2009, but this is far from goodnews. Annual growth rates continue to slip for healthy foods, whichhas seen its star dull and tarnish in the protracted economicmalaise. Data does suggest, however, that we may have hit thebottom, and growth rates should improve modestly in coming years.As growth takes meaningful hold, healthy foods should increase itsshare of the total foods market, reaching 23% penetration by 2017.The trends toward natural and organic food and beverages as saferand healthier consumer choices remain particularly strong.
NBJ predicts that natural and organic foods will grow thefastest of any healthy foods categories in the next eightyears—with growth of organic reaching nearly 10% in2012—as product categories like organic fruits &vegetables and natural meat, fish & poultry sidle into themainstream.
Functional and lesser-evil foods will lose market share to thenatural and organic categories in the future, NBJ projects, thoughfunctional should retain about a quarter of healthy food sales overthe next eight years
With a forecast compound growth rate of nearly 9%, organicfoods is expected to be the biggest competitor in healthy foods forthe future. Compound annual growth for the total healthy foodsindustry should hover above 5% for the next eight years, justoutpacing the growth of its largest categories, functional andlesser-evil foods.
The total U.S. food market grew 1.6% in 2009, reaching $628billion in sales, while healthy foods grew 1.8% to reach $143billion in sales. Nutrition Business Journal includes four productcategories in the healthy foods market—organic, natural,functional and lesser-evil foods. Market-standard and conventionalfoods make up an additional, catch-all category for the total foodsresults. This report contains detailed analysis of each healthyfoods category, and the food and beverage product lines theyinclude.
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