Full Circle brings organic produce to Alaska
Beginning with just three acres in Washington, Andrew Stout, founder of Full Circle, an organic-delivery operation, has expanded his operation to encompass some 15,000 customers across four states. Organic Connections reports.
While cultivating a garden in your backyard is certainly an effective way to incorporate more produce into your diet, growing a variety of fruits and vegetables is impossible in some states. Consider, for example, Alaska.
Full Circle, the West Coast’s leading organic produce delivery service recognized the lack of produce-growing areas, and fulfilled that need.
“They [Alaskans] have a rich food tradition in seafood and other great proteins, yet have to import almost all of their other produce and staples,” Andrew Stout, founder of Full Circle, said in an interview with Organic Connections. “The description that they gave at the time was, ‘We have very poor food choices here. We’re not being taken care of, so could you ship up to Alaska?’ We said yes, by all means. That grew from seven people to seven hundred in about a year’s time, and now we are in almost every remote village in the state.”
Stout is certain that as awareness over our food supply permeates widespread conscious thought, the market for organic produce will continue to increase. “I think we’re really starting to wake up to a change,” he said. “It’s still going to take some broader approaches. I hope Full Circle is going to be one of those—an enduring change element to create a better, healthier and more natural way of eating.”
Read more in Organic Connections.
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