New conference explores rapidly growing industry segmentNew conference explores rapidly growing industry segment
Innovative executive forum focuses on health practitioner channel for dietary supplements, medical foods and natural products.
January 18, 2013
Practitioner sales of supplements and natural products have grown at roughly 10 percent each year over the last decade, topping $2.8 billion last year, according to industry sources. Nearly 80 percent of all primary care doctors recommend supplements and 13 percent sell them.
Continued growth is expected as practitioners seek new revenue opportunities. This makes the practitioner channel a highly attractive market. Yet it remains one of the most challenging and least-understood segments of the industry.
The Health Practitioner Marketing Forum, April 3 to 5, 2012, at the Hotel Maya, Long Beach, Calif., is an innovative executive conference highlighting real-world practitioner channel success stories and practical tools for creating effective strategies.
Designed for CEOs, business development officers and marketing managers the Forum will explore: Building Brands by Building Trust; Communicating Product Efficacy & Safety; Claims Regulations; Successful Market Entry & Brand Development; Learning From the Pharma & Medical Foods Playbook and more.
Featured speakers include:
• Mike Katke, cofounder, Metagenics
• Loren Israelsen, director, United Natural Products Alliance
• Jeff Hilton, president, Integrated Marketing Group
• Trish Cadwallader, former marketing director, Abbott Nutrition
• Sandra Pearce, marketing Director, Apex Energetics
A highlight of the conference will be the first presentation of new data from Holistic Primary Care’s 2013 survey of 2,000 primary care physicians.
The Health Practitioner Marketing Forum is produced by Holistic Primary Care and Windrose Partners. For more information, visit
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