Brandon Waloff
Brandon Waloff is a holistic health counselor from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (2005). Professionally, he has worked with clients as a health coach leading individual and group programs on whole food nutrition, wellness, lifestyle and cleansing protocols. He is an expert in the natural product industry and has worked as a national educator, sales manager, consultant and currently as a social media marketer for wellness brands.
Originally trained as a fine artist and printmaker, Brandon went through his own healing crises and transformation after a trip to Japan in 2003. He has since immersed himself in holistic health, cleansing and nutrition practices, studying Western herbs, energy work and movement/dance. In 2010 he received his 200 hour YTT in Michaelle Edwards YogAlign© method and has spent almost ten years studying the work of Gabrielle Roth’s 5 Rhythms, Contact Improvisation and Ecstatic Dance.
You find him sharing on his page, The Health Crunch and @soulclarity on Twitter and Instagram. Brandon loves to dance almost more than anything, he currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.