Cutting-edge research - October 2009

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Cutting-edge research - October 2009

Fish oil is for champs
Fish oil given to professional football players improved cholesterol levels — specifically a decrease in triglycerides, a healthy increase in HDL and lowered LDL cholesterol — according to a study published in the January/February 2009 issue of Sports Health, A Multidisciplinary Approach. The patented fish-oil supplement was administered to 36 professional football players from ages 23 to 41 years of age that took 2,560mg of omega-3 fatty acids (650mg EPA; 450mg DHA; and 180mg other omega-3 fatty acids per soft gel). For two months during the 2006-07 season.
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Calling on the dogs
Albion Advanced Nutrition's new formulation of zinc bis-glycinate was shown to be 43 per cent more bioavailable than a standard zinc gluconate, according to a randomized, cross-over study conducted on 12 female volunteers. The zinc bis-glycinate was safe and well tolerated.
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Meet the new zinc
Albion Advanced Nutrition's new formulation of zinc bis-glycinate was shown to be 43 per cent more bioavailable than a standard zinc gluconate, according to a randomized, cross-over study conducted on 12 female volunteers. The zinc bis-glycinate was safe and well tolerated.
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Folic acid cuts pre-term births
Taking folic-acid supplements for a year before conception reduces the risk of premature birth by at least 50 per cent. Shorter courses of the supplement were not as effective, according to a study of nearly 35,000 women that was reported in the journal PLoS Medicine.
Pre-term births account for about 12 per cent of all deliveries in the United States, and are associated with vision impairment, mental retardation and cerebral palsy in children, as well as diabetes and cardiovascular disease later in life. The earlier the delivery, the higher the risk of complications.
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