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Corporate profile: Mushroom Wisdom

NFM Staff

July 29, 2010

3 Min Read
Corporate profile: Mushroom Wisdom

Mushroom Wisdom, Inc., formerly Maitake Products
1 Madison St., Bldg. F6
East Rutherford, NJ 07073
Toll-free: 800.747.7418

Contact: 800.747.7418 or [email protected]

A Global Medicinal Mushroom Leader
Mushroom Wisdom, Inc. is a global leader in the development, production and research of medicinal mushroom supplements. The company brings the healthful benefits of medicinal mushrooms, backed by scientific research, to the daily routines of consumers worldwide.

Bridge Between East & West
The company was founded in 1991 by President & CEO Mike Shirota. Its mission is to serve as a bridge that links Eastern medicinal mushroom wisdom with Western scientific research and validation. Originally named Maitake Products, Inc., the company introduced Maitake mushroom extracts to America. Its Maitake D-Fraction® for ultimate immune support and Maitake SX-Fraction® to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels are established category leaders.*

The company has since then, launched a complete line of medicinal mushroom supplements; Super Reishi, Super Agaricus, Super Tremella, Super Turkey Tail, Super Shitake, Super Lion’s Mane, Super Cordyceps, and the Breast Mate® and Prost-Mate® targeted formulas. Most recently, Amyloban® 3399, a potent extract of Lion’s Mane, has been the focus of the company’s seminars due to the amazing research results for brain health.

A New Corporate Name & Education System
Recognizing the successful expansion of its product line beyond Maitake-only supplements, in January, 2010 the company changed its name to Mushroom Wisdom, Inc. The new name also reflects centuries-old knowledge in Japan and China regarding the benefits of medicinal mushrooms, the extensive mycological research that the company supports, and the growing number of American consumers becoming more knowledgeable about the health benefits of medicinal mushrooms. Mark J. Kaylor, PhD, MH, CN has joined the company as VP, Research & Education and is now able to offer this extensive research through Staff Trainings, Webinars and by guest appearances for special events and consumer lectures. Join Mark at the company-sponsored Expo East presentation “Ancient Wisdom, Modern Medicine”.

A Commitment To Service
Mushroom Wisdom begins the new decade by reaffirming its passionate commitment to serve the vitamin retail trade by continuing to provide proprietary medicinal mushroom extracts of the highest quality and purity, backed by rigorous scientific research.

Direct & through Distributors
Monthly Specials and Show Deals Extended to Retailers

What uniquely differentiates your company & products from other on the shelf?
Mushroom Wisdom focuses on bringing together the knowledge derived from hundreds of years of traditional use with the latest in scientific research. By combining tradition and science we get the benefits and knowledge of generations of hands on experience along with the clinical and laboratory studies performed throughout the world today. Mushroom Wisdom takes this a step further by discovering and investigating previously unknown constituents and actions of many medicinal mushrooms. These efforts are then followed up with clinical and laboratory studies as we strive to produce physiologically effective remedies derived from medicinal mushrooms.

What is one thing most retailers/consumers don’t know about your company/brand?
There clearly are many sources available today for retailers and consumers in the medicinal mushroom category. However, Mushroom Wisdom is the only company that has been fully committed from day one to furthering research on medicinal mushrooms and specifically on our own products through independent laboratory and clinical research. We are the discoverers of the unique and effective immune booster Maitake D-Fraction® and the blood sugar and insulin lowering SX-Fraction®, both found in the Maitake mushroom. More recently we have been involved with researchers exploring the promising healing gifts of the Lion’s Mane mushroom to help protect the brain from possible aging-related damage.

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