Using mission-based business as a catalyst for consumer acquisition and growth – webinar

A mission-based brand and retailers discuss their growth and excellent customer experiences.

June 4, 2024

30 Min View
Using mission-based business as a catalyst for consumer acquisition and growth

Date: Jun 25, 2024

Duration: 30 Min

What are the latest innovations shaping the future of human health that you need to know about—including the latest generation of supplements? Hear from Newtopia Now Thrive Neighborhood exhibitor Alive Publishing as they discuss the benefits of being a mission-based brand.

Register for this 30-minute webinar to hear two real-life case studies of how a mission-based brand and mission-based retailers have grown well above industry averages while delivering best-in-class experiences for their customers. This webinar begins with Alive Publishing’s Group VP of Publishing Nina Wagner providing a statistical overview of consumer perspectives on mission-based businesses, then, she will moderate a panel-style discussion with True Grace Founder Kristina Hall and Jimbo’s Founder Jim Someck.

Register today!



Nancy Coulter-Parker
Director of Content Marketing, New Hope Network



Nina WagnerGroup Vice President of Publishing & Operations, Alive Publishing



Kristie Hall
President & Owner, True Grace


Jim "Jimbo" Someck
Owner, Jimbo's

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