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Snore no more

Bryce Edmonds

December 19, 2008

2 Min Read
Snore no more

They're exasperated. They're tired. They're frustrated. They are snoring victims. But you can help. Your customers might not realize it, but there is a host of natural options to help.

According to the Mayo Clinic, snoring can have four causes: anatomy, alcohol, nasal problems and sleep apnea. Anatomical issues can include a deviated septum, large tonsils, adenoids—lymphatic tissue at the back of the nose—or even your uvula, the soft tissue that hangs down over the back of the tongue. Being overweight can also cause snoring. Over-indulgence of alcohol can cause throat muscles to relax and dull the natural responses to airway obstruction. Congestion and allergies likely produce inflamed mucous membranes and are nasal problems that can contribute to snoring. Sleep apnea is a serious disorder characterized by complete or near-complete airway blockage.

Beverly Yates, N.D., director of the Naturopathic Family Health Clinic in Mill Valley, Calif., adds exhaustion as a possible source of nightly sonic disturbance. For these snorers, she has a simple solution: "You're just not getting enough sleep." Likewise, "If your snoring is caused by alcohol, cut down," she advises. Physical aids, such as nasal strips, and surgery can offer relief for some. Here are some of Yates' favorite supplements for snoring.

Natural Foods Merchandiser volume XXIX/number 12/p. 22

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