Monsanto GM wheat found in Oregon fieldMonsanto GM wheat found in Oregon field
Unapproved GM wheat in U.S. fields undermines the faith of America's crops globally and the economic livelihoods of domestic wheat farmers.
June 2, 2013
Statement by Dave Murphy, executive director of Food Democracy Now!, a grassroots movement of more than 650,000 farmers and citizens reacts to the news that unapproved genetically-engineered Monsanto wheat has been found in a field in Oregon:
“The discovery of Monsanto's patented genes from a variety unapproved genetically engineered wheat in a Oregon farmer's field is deeply disturbing to America's wheat farmers. The USDA's announcement of unapproved GMO wheat in U.S. fields is a major threat to the $8 billion wheat export market and undermines the faith of America's crops globally and the economic livelihoods of U.S. wheat farmers.
The continued genetic contamination of organic and non-GMO farmers’ fields is another sign of how Monsanto's flawed technology continues to negatively impact family farmers and our food supply. Monsanto's GMO wheat has never been approved for use in the United States and has not be approved for planting in the U.S. since 2004. As long as genetically engineered crops remain unregulated and unlabeled the American people and citizens around the world will continue to protest Monsanto and their rogue business practices.”
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