Cutting-edge research 2003

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Cutting-edge research

Fonterra probiotic reduces eczema in infants
A probiotic isolated by Fonterra reduced the occurrence of eczema in young children by nearly 50 per cent. The two-year trial of probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain HN001, marketed under the DR20 brand, also showed that by the age of two, infants who had been given DR20, but who contracted eczema, had less-severe symptoms than children who had not taken DR20.
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Yakult for IBS
A pilot study was undertaken to determine the effect of lactobacillus strain Shirota (Yakult brand) on intestinal fermentation patterns of Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients. After six weeks of treatment with a 65mL dose of Yakult daily, nine of 14 patients (64 per cent) had reversal of ERBHAL, an indicator of bad bacteria growth in the intestine. Furthermore, symptoms improved in those in whom ERBHAL was corrected. The results indicate that Yakult alters fermentation patterns.
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COLD-FX targets immune health
CV Technologies announced preliminary results suggesting that COLD-FX affects the human immune system by targeting the adaptive pathway, which is the immunity developed throughout life. This result was obtained through a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on 50 healthy adults.
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InterHealth's UC-II bests glucosamine/chondroitin
InterHealth's UC-II, a 40mg capsule taken once a day, is more than twice as effective in reducing osteoarthritic pain as the standard glucosamine + chondroitin combination. This new study, presented at the annual American College of Nutrition meeting, shows the efficacy of UC-II as consumers will be looking for new options in joint health.
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