5@5: Trendy bone broth creates new supply challenges | PCC expanding in Seattle

Each day at 5 p.m. we collect the five top food and supplement headlines of the day, making it easy for you to catch up on today's most important natural products industry news.

April 6, 2017

2 Min Read
5@5: Trendy bone broth creates new supply challenges | PCC expanding in Seattle

Broth-loving hipsters are pushing up the price of bones

The restorative properties of bone broth have been touted for centuries, but its recent trendiness is making cheap bones hard to come by. The founder of at least one bone broth company has noticed prices spiking over the past few years, and farmers say what was once a waste product that was being turned into dog food or fertilizer can now fetch $2 to $4 a pound. Read more at NPR...


PCC will expand to the south with Burien location

Seattle-based PCC Natural Markets will make its first foray into the southern part of the city when it opens its 12th co-op store next year. It will move into a building that was previously home to a Haggen grocery store. The nation's largest natural foods co-op has partnerships with Amazon and Instacart and has been experimenting with in-store concepts; the new store will include a taqueria, a cafe and hot and cold food bars. Read more at Seattle Times...


Food tech tries to shake the "frankenfood" label

There's a public misconception that science in food is bad, some in the food industry say, and it's creating challenges for companies that are using science and technology to create new products like meat substitutes and algae-derived ingredients. That was a point of discussion at the Future of Food-Tech summit in San Francisco last week. Read more at New Food Economy...


This spiky 100-pound fruit is the meat substitute that might save your health (and the planet)

Annie Ryu changed her career path from future doctor to entrepreneur when she discovered jackfruit while in India. The Jackfruit Co., the company she founded, now makes a variety of meat alternatives with unripe fruit and is the world's largest supplier of the under-utilized crop. Read more at Rodale's Organic Life...


This nonprofit is enabling doctors to write prescriptions for healthy food

A nonprofit called Wholesome Wave is working with healthcare providers in low-income communities on a Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program that enables them to incentivize people to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables by writing prescriptions for produce, which patients can redeem at partnering stores. Read more at Big Think...

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