5@5: More Americans accept climate change is real | Lawsuit opens window on Monsanto

Each day at 5 p.m. we collect the five top food and supplement headlines of the day, making it easy for you to catch up on today's most important natural products industry news.

July 14, 2018

2 Min Read
5@5: More Americans accept climate change is real | Lawsuit opens window on Monsanto

Hold on to your snowballs: More Americans accept the reality of climate change than ever before

Nearly three-quarters of Americans believe climate change is real, but only 34 percent of those realists believe that human activity is the primary cause, according to the National Surveys on Energy and the Environment. Unfortunately, the 38 percent that aren’t sure of the cause seem to have the ears of the officials who make policies to mitigate the problem. Read more at Grist.org


Secret documents expose Monsanto’s war on cancer scientists

The lawsuit of a dying California man brought against Monsanto has unveiled a wealth of documents showing how the company manipulated data and fought scientists to protect its use of glyphosate in the company’s Roundup herbicide. One of the biggest targets has been the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Read more at U.S. Right to Know


Can kitchen tech reduce excessive food waste?

Your car’s gas gauge lets you know when you need fuel. What if the containers in your refrigerator could tell you when your food is about to go bad so you could eat it instead of throwing it away? Ty and Stacie Thompson founded Ovie, a Bluetooth-based system that intends to do just that. Read more at CNN.com


Ireland becomes world's first country to divest from fossil fuels

Within five years, Ireland should not have any investments in coal, oil, gas or peat, after the country’s lower house of parliament voted to sell off all holdings in fossil fuel companies. It’s the latest move in the divestiture trend, which has seen a vast variety of pension funds and insurers move trillions of dollars away from the global industry. Read more at The Guardian


Black farmers say they were deliberately sold defective soybean seeds because of their race

A group of black farmers from Tennessee and Mississippi say that Stine Seed Co. sold them bad seeds in 2017—and did so because of the farmers’ race. The Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association, based in Memphis, Tennessee, says the farmers were experienced and capable, and were working with new equipment. Stine Seed called the farmers’ lawsuit inflammatory and asked the court on Monday to dismiss the action. Read more at The Washington Post

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