5@5: Kids can sue Trump over climate change | Food insecurity distracts college students

Each day at 5 p.m. we collect the five top food and supplement headlines of the day, making it easy for you to catch up on today's most important natural products industry news.

August 2, 2018

2 Min Read
5@5: Kids can sue Trump over climate change | Food insecurity distracts college students
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Supreme Court says kids can sue Trump over climate change

A group of 21 plaintiffs—all between 11 and 21 years old—have received approval from the U.S. Supreme Court to proceed with their lawsuit against the Trump Administration. The case, Juliana v. the United States, claims the government’s support of fossil fuel production causes climate change, which deprives the plaintiffs of their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property. The Supreme Court ruled that the lawsuit had not proceeded enough in the court system for the federal government’s stay to be considered. Read more at Mother Jones


For many college students, hunger 'makes it hard to focus'

As many as half of all college students may be food insecure, according to a new study. While the problem is more prevalent at community colleges, it can be found at both public and private four-year colleges as well. Student groups and education advocates have been working to draw attention to the issue, and some schools have opened food pantries or started programs that allow students to share unused meal plan vouchers. It’s not enough, though, to solve the problem. Read more at NPR


A pioneering Massachusetts program helps low-income residents eat healthier and supports local farmers

Massachusetts residents who use SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps) to purchase food can buy extra locally grown produce, thanks to the state’s Healthy Incentive Program. One resident, Vanessa Jimenez, was skeptical until she spent $3 of her SNAP allowance to purchase $43 worth of produce at a local farm. HIP, which started in 2017, assists both low-income residents and the local economy. Read more at Civil Eats


The freshest ideas are in small grocery stores

DMG Foods, a grocery store operated by the Salvation Army in Baltimore, is just one example of “new” grocery stores that offer an alternative to traditional options such as Kroger, Hy-Vee and Walmart. Nada, which Brianne Miller opened in June in Vancouver, British Columbia, offers every product without packaging. Shoppers, who bring their own containers, can buy everything from frozen berries to eggs and produce in the quantities they need. Read more at The New York Times  


The US has a 2.5 billion-pound surplus of meat. Let’s try to visualize that.

The United States has more than enough cheese and meat to satisfy every American: 1.39 billion pounds of surplus cheese and 2.5 billion pounds of chicken, turkey, pork and beef, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Of course, no one can imagine the volume of those quantities. So Vox compared them to the U.S. Capitol building. Take a look at Vox.com

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