5@5: FDA discourages 'GMO-free' claims | Taking the bitter out of stevia

Each day at 5 p.m. we collect the five top natural news headlines of the day, making it easy for you to catch up on today's most important natural products industry news.

November 23, 2015

2 Min Read
5@5: FDA discourages 'GMO-free' claims | Taking the bitter out of stevia

FDA issues final guidance on labeling food 'not genetically engineered'

Lawmakers remain divided on whether GMO labeling should be required for companies, but on Thursday, the Food and Drug Administration released recommendations for manufacturers who wish to voluntarily label their products. The agency recommends that manufacturers avoid labeling products as "free" of bioengineered ingredients, opting instead for other types of statements that indicate it was produced without using bioengineering. Read more at Food Product Design...


Blumenthal calls for labeling genetically altered food

Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, Sen. Richard Blumenthal is calling a press conference to denounce the FDA's decision to approve GE salmon without requiring it to be labeled. Read more at CTPost...

Science helps stevia lose its bitter bite

Made from the leafy green plant Stevia rebaudiana, stevia has emerged as a leader in the sugar alternative market. But its bitter aftertaste has been a drawback for manufacturers looking to lower the sugar content of their products. Recently, a food engineer and a group of scientists came up with a method of adding a natural protein to Stevia to prevent the aftertaste. Game-changer? Read more at Newsweeek...


Analysts mixed on impact of Chipotle E. coli outbreak

More people than originally thought have been impacted by the outbreak. The CDC reported Friday that people have been sickened in California, New York, Ohio and Minnesota, while prior reports had focused on Washington and Oregon. Now, some analysts are saying the outbreak could cause a decrease in quarterly same-store sales for the first time in nearly a decade. Read more at Nation's Restaurant News...


Gluten-free products reportedly getting tastier

Use of rice flour, potato flour and teff, plus xanthan gum and cellulose, are helping improve the taste and texture of baked gluten-free foods. Read more at Consumer Affairs...

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