Vegan Meals

Laurie Gauguin

April 1, 2009

1 Min Read
Vegan Meals

23 MINUTES: Spicy Seitan Stir-Fry

Find more healthy plant-based recipes on our Vegan recipes page.

Serves 4 / Ingredient tips: Seitan is a meat substitute made from wheat gluten. If you can't find Asian-marinated seitan, make your own by marinating plain seitan in teriyaki sauce overnight. Look for black bean-garlic sauce in the Asian food aisle; it's wonderful added to any stir-fry or soup. For less spice, use fewer serrano chiles.

View Seitan Stir-Fry recipe here.

27 MINUTES: Carrot-Chickpea Tagine

Serves 4 / Prep tip: For quickest, most even cooking, use a wide-bottom pot. Serving tip: The tagine is delicious alone but is even better spooned over whole-wheat couscous.

View Carrot-Chickpea Tagine recipe here.

25 MINUTES: Indian-Seasoned Tofu with Tomatoes

Serves 4 / Prep tip: Stir in baby spinach leaves at the end of cooking for extra nutrition. Serving tip: Balance the spice with a scoop of plain yogurt on top.

View Tofu with Tomatoes recipe here.

About the Author(s)

Laurie Gauguin

For Laurie Gauguin, whole-foods cooking defines both her lifestyle and career. She works in San Francisco as a private chef, food writer, and educator, demonstrating that food is a joyous and integral part of everyone’s health and well-being.

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