Pick your pasta

Kazia Jankowski, Founder

March 31, 2008

1 Min Read
Pick your pasta


Native to the Andes, quinoa is the seed of a leafy plant related to beets. When ground up and mixed with corn or wheat flour, quinoa produces a mild-tasting, high-protein pasta. Gluten-free eaters should choose brands that contain only quinoa and corn flours. Top it with tofu and organic tomato sauce for a vegan, amino acid-rich meal.

Whole wheat

Typically made of 100 percent durum wheat — a hard, high-quality grain — this dense pasta is higher in fiber, protein, B vitamins, and minerals than semolina varieties, which use only part of the grain. Whole-wheat pasta's hearty flavor and grainy texture make it a good base for pesto and vegetable sauces.


Related to rhubarb, buckwheat has been used for centuries to make noodles in Asia. Japanese soba is the most common type in the U.S., with a nutty flavor and high amounts of protein and dietary fiber. Traditionally, soba is served hot in soup or cold with a soy-based dipping sauce.

Tofu shirataki

Made from a blend of soy protein and yam flour, these Japanese noodles are packaged in water and readily absorb other flavors. A low glycemic-index food, tofu shirataki is particularly high in soluble fiber. Toss the heated noodles with a sweet teriyaki and serve with stir-fried veggies. Note: Noodles must be refrigerated.

About the Author(s)

Kazia Jankowski

Founder, KJ Culinary

Food is life for Kazia. As the leader of KJC’s strategic and culinary projects, Kazia brings a distinct combination of food industry experience and strategic branding to the table. She’s helped build brands within large global companies like Pepsi and Dunkin' Donuts. She’s guided smaller brands like Annie’s, EVOL and Illegal Pete’s to brand and product success. She is tastefully inspired. She is embarrassingly professional. And boy does she love to eat.

Kazia attended culinary school at El Txoko del Gourmet in San Sebastian, Spain, and and is speaker at national food conferences, including Expo East and Fast Casual Executive Summit. Her thoughts on food innovation can be found in the Wall Street Journal, NPR, and Supermarket News.

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