February 16, 2017
You know what you need to build your booth, but what else is on your packing list for Natural Products Expo? We asked a few exhibitors for their advice.
“Duct tape, box cutters, chap stick, breath mints, a change of socks and protein on-hand to keep the energy up,” said Craig Spalding, marketing director at 1908 Brands. “A big breakfast also makes a huge difference in the quality of the day.”
At his first Expo, Vincent Kitirattragarn of Dang Foods prepared a fancy newsletter and price list. "But the most useful document (other than business cards) is a fully-functional sell sheet with product images, descriptions, UPC, nutritional info, ingredients and suggested retail price," he said. "We have a booth emergency kit with duct tape, fishing line, scissors, clamps and permanent pens. We’ve used all the items in the kit at one point or another."
Nancy Kalish, founder of Rule Breaker Snacks, said that at her first Expo her team forgot to pack a box cutter to open all of the company’s supplies. Luckily, a kind neighbor loaned them one. "Now we imagine ourselves going through the entire show process step-by-step and write down everything we’ll need," she said. "I also number each box and keep a separate list of everything that’s in box one, box two, etc. so I don’t have to open every single one to find what I’m looking for."
The Natural Products Expo client services team also advises bringing extra packing tape to close up the boxes you’re shipping back, plus stretch wrap film and a wide black marker. They also suggest taking advantage of the online "Pre-printed Bill of Lading" and "Print Shipping Labels" option that is available in the Exhibitor Services Kit.
More help for new exhibitors is available at the Expo West and Expo East websites.
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