newhope360 #naturalchat Twitter chatsnewhope360 #naturalchat Twitter chats
Join us for #naturalchat, a newhope360 Twitter Chat where we discuss hot topics important to the natural community.
May 29, 2012
Past chats
Top Social Media Tips for Expo East 2012
Wednesday, Aug. 8
1pm EST/10 am PST
We're six weeks away from the East Coast's largest natural products event. Exhibitors, attendees, presenters and press: Here's what you need to know about using social media at Natural Products Expo East (#expoeast). Join this Twitter chat to network with fellow attendees before the show and hear from the show’s organizers about how to get super social.
Natural Products Expo's official account (@NatProdExpo) manned by Andrew Coate (@AndrewJCoate), marketing project manager
Jody Mason (@JodyRaeMason), conference manager
Adam Andersen, (@AdamBAndersen), show director
Caren Baginski (@CBaginski), senior editor, digital & social media, tweeting from @newhope360
Read the transcript highlights
What Are We Feeding Our Kids?
Wednesday, May 30, 1pm EST/10 am PST
Guests: Jerusha Klemperer and Curt Ellis, Food Corps (@foodcorps) and blogger Bettina Siegel (@thelunchtray)
If you're fired up about the next generation of health (or you never missed an episode of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution), join us to discuss the food problems facing youth in America, and how retailers, manufacturers and consumers can mobilize for healthy change.
Read the transcript [PDF]
How Safe Are Your Cosmetics?
Wednesday, April 11, 1pm EST/10 am PST
Guest: Stacy Malkan, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (@safecosmetics)
Congress recently met for the first time in 30 years to take on an issue that natural and organic personal companies have addressed for years. We're seizing the opportunity to raise awareness about the natural beauty industry with Stacy Malkan, co-founder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. Join us to share your passion for natural personal care and learn how to crusade for safer cosmetics.
Why GMOs Should Be Labeled
Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1pm EST/10 am PST
Guest: @JustlabelIt
We're teaming up with Just Label It to spread the message about the importance of GMO labeling because we all have a right to know what's in our food. See how the campaign is educating the masses about labeling genetically engineered foods, and learn how you can get involved.
Read the transcript [PDF]
The Occupy Food Movement
Thursday, Dec. 8, 1pm EST/10 am PST
Guests: David Murphy and Lisa Stokke (@food_democracy)
Food and farm activists David Murphy and Lisa Stokke of Food Democracy Now! join us from Iowa to talk about the Occupy Food (#OccupyFood) movement that has sprung up alongside Occupy Wall Street. Get a look into how they're mobilizing via social media to change farm policy, including their recent Farmer's March, and discuss ways you, too, can influence the Occupy Food movement.
Read the transcript [PDF]
Taking Back Our Food: GMO Awareness Worldwide
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 8pm EST/5pm PST
Guests: Jeremy Seifert (@jeremy_seifert), Joshua Kunau (@jkunau) and Elizabeth Kucinich (@ejkucinich)
Celebrate Non-GMO Awareness Month with Director Jeremy Seifert, Producer Joshua Kunau and Producer Elizabeth Kucinich (wife of Congressman Dennis Kucinich) of the GMO Film Project (Untitled). The three talk about their work-in-progress GMO documentary and how the world is awakening to the reality of genetically modified food.
Read the transcript [PDF]
Vision to Reality: Proof that Vitamins Matter for Children in Need
Wednesday, Sept. 7, 8pm EST/5pm PST
Guest: Vitamin Angels (@vitaminangels)
Vitamin Angels joins us from Santa Barbara, Calif., to talk about how nutrient supplements are really making a difference in the health and lives of children in need. Vitamin Angels reduces child mortality worldwide by connecting essential nutrients with infants and children under five.
Read the transcript [PDF]
The Unhealthy Truth About Artificial Colors and Additives
Thursday, Aug. 25, 8pm EST/5pm PST
Guest: Robyn O'Brien (@unhealthytruth)
Robyn O'Brien joins us from Boulder, Colo., to talk about artificial colors in our food supply. O'Brien is the author of The Unhealthy Truth, founder of AllergyKids Foundation, mom of four and crusader for cleaning up the food supply.
Read the transcript [PDF]
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