Cerebral Success debuts SmartX with Cognizin

SmartX, which received financial backing from the TV show “Shark Tank,” helps increase mental energy and overall alertness while supporting other brain functions as well.

April 22, 2015

1 Min Read
Cerebral Success debuts SmartX with Cognizin

Cerebral Success has combined the power of Cognizin® Citicoline with other brain health ingredients to create SmartX™ for increased mental energy and focus.

SmartX, which received financial backing from the TV show “Shark Tank,” helps increase mental energy and overall alertness while supporting other brain functions as well. Cognizin Citicoline is a major part of the detailed chemical composition of SmartX allows it to simultaneously influence four areas of brain power: focus, memory, mental energy, and overall brain health.

It is now easier to obtain SmartX as they have expanded their distribution to GNC stores, Amazon.com and eSupplements.com, luckyvitamin.com and more are lined up.

Cognizin Citicoline is a branded form of citicoline, an essential substance for brain health. It works to enhance communication between neurons, maintain normal levels of acetylcholine, protect neural structures, and enhance health brain activity and energy.

For more information about Cerebral Success SmartX, visit cerebralsuccess.com.



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