Expo East Prep: Meet business school speaker Heather Terry

Get to know GoodSAM CEO Heather Terry and discover some of what you can learn at Natural Products Business School on Wednesday, Sept. 20. Watch the video.

Gianna Rosenbach, Content Creator, CPG and Digital

September 13, 2023

29 Min View

Tune into a conversation leading up to the live event at Expo East, Natural Products Business School, between industry leaders Elliot Begoun of TIG Brands and Heather Terry of GoodSAM.

Watch as the two go into their years of experience navigating this industry and what they have learned. Business School will be an exchange of information between entrepreneurs, and in today’s challenging financial landscape, financial knowledge is wealth. In this video, Begoun and Terry discuss navigating fundraising during difficult economic times and provide insights and tips.

Their conversation is just a taste of the knowledge they will share at business school and what conversations will be sparked.

See Terry take this conversation further and on to the next step: getting a product on retailers' shelves. Don't miss Natural Products Business School on Wednesday, Sept. 20 at Natural Products Expo East. This half-day program offers emerging brands focused learning and networking. See the Expo East agenda for more information. An additional fee of $95 is required.

About the Author

Gianna Rosenbach

Content Creator, CPG and Digital, New Hope Network

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